Monday, November 16, 2009


Today I would like to talk about prayer. This year I have come to recognize the importance of prayer in my personal life. I know that if I pray to my Heavenly Father, my Creator, then I will receive an answer to my prayers.
I have had my prayers answered many times. Last year I really wanted to go on a trip with my class but I needed to have $2,500 and I would have to choose between this trip to Washington DC or going to lake powell for a family reunion. I really was not sure what to do so I prayed about it. I felt like I should go to DC. I prayed more asking for help to get the money. After I knew that I was supposed to go to DC even though it seemed impossible, I did all I could and the Lord made up for the rest. I had earned $2,500 within about 9 months. It truly was a miracle. What a testimony builder that experience was for me! I had a great experience and I know that is what the lord wanted me to do!
In the scriptures Daniel was thrown into the lions den and he prayed and knew that the lord would protect him. I also know that if you are ever in need of anything that you can ask our Heavenly Father and if you listen for an answer He will answer you.
Something that has made my prayers more meaningful has been knowing my God. Truly understanding that He is my Father has made all the difference.
I hope that all of you will remember to pray. Test it out. Give it a try. I know that it will change your life if you will let it! I know it has changed mine!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, This is a powerful testimony of Prayer! Thanks for sharing it!



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